Foam Tape Slection Guide

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    Trying to choose a suitable foam tape for you is really a very difficult thing, because there are so many issues to consider, let’s try to make it clear.

    First we have to classify the foam tape, there are many ways to classify it, such as

    According to the process classification

    Self-adhesive foam adhesive and composite foam tape.

    According to the classification of the foam process

    Open cell foam and closed cell foam

    According to the material classification

    EVA foam tape, PE foam tape, PU foam tape and acrylic foam tape.

    Classification according to density

    Common density: 38 degrees – 48 degrees, special density: 50 degrees – 80 degrees

    According to the classification of adhesive surface

    Single-sided foam tape and double-sided foam tape.

    According to the color classification

    White and black are common colors in the market.

    According to … …

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    Too many kinds of classification methods, so the author of the article has always felt that the foam tape is one of the most difficult choices inside all tapes.

    1. self-adhesive foam adhesive and double sided tape.

    This is a good classification, generally consult the manufacturer or trader will be able to know. If there is no clear source to see the glue surface can also be distinguished.

    Self-adhesive foam tape

    Generally coated with glue directly on the substrate, the glue is mostly transparent, you can directly see the substrate, common self-adhesive foam tape such as 3M 4920, 3MVHB tape etc..

    Composite foam tape

    Bare cotton plus later tape laminated composite from a tape, here the composite foam tape is generally substrate, such as cotton paper substrate and PET substrate, so the adhesive surface is sometimes presented and self-adhesive foam tape is not the same. This allows customers to choose different types of tapes in high and low according to different needs in order to achieve maximum cost control. Common tapes for laminating foam are oil-based double-sided tapes or tapes with customized adhesive components for different materials.

    Composite tapes are generally non-removable with the adhesive side and base material removed

    2. Open cell foam and closed cell foam

    Open-cell foam

    Internal pores and pores are connected to each other, non-independent pore structure, with good heat insulation, sound insulation, dustproof performance and shock absorption buffer performance, its beneficial moisture-proof layer, can effectively reduce the vapor through.

    Closed cell foam

    The internal pores and pores are separated by a wall membrane, not connected to each other, independent pore structure, with good breathability, softness, and good compression, small rebound force and easy to reply.

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    3. EVA foam tape, PE foam tape, PU foam tape and acrylic foam tape

    EVA foam tape

    EVA foam substrate coated on both sides with adhesive (oil glue, hot-soluble adhesive and rubber glue) or composite tape formed foam tape, used in electronic products, mechanical fasteners,automobiles, computers, toys, household, equipment, plastic products and hardware and other industries as auxiliary materials.

    PE foam tape

    Refers to the PE foam substrate coated on both sides with acrylic glue or composite tape formed by foam tape, generally applied to decorative strips (such as furniture trim, car trim), signs (such as car signs, motorcycle labels and electrical nameplates) and other aspects of the paste fixed

    PU foam tape

    Refers to the PU foam (polyurethane) substrate coated on both sides with acrylic adhesive or composite tape formed by the foam tape, more suitable for hanging boards (such as billboards, picture boards and hooks), connecting strips (such as plastic strips, metal sheets) and other bonding fixed

    Acrylic foam tape

    Refers to the acrylic foam foam substrate coated on both sides with acrylic adhesive or composite tape to form a foam tape, crylic adhesive is the best of all foam, available in the contact area of small, demanding occasions (such as anti-scratch, seal, anti-collision strip, nameplate decorative strip, door peripheral protection strip) and other bonding and fixing.

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    4.38 degrees – 48 degrees, special density: 50 degrees – 80 degrees

    The density of the foam tape and will be elastic and hardness has a great relationship, so here must refer to the use of the product needs to choose. If the customer.

    5. Single-sided foam tape and double sided tape

    This classification method is more intuitive, one side with glue and two sides with glue.

    Single-sided tape is sometimes self-adhesive tape, sometimes laminated

    Double-sided tape is mostly self-adhesive tape, because the two sides of the double-sided tape is thick after the composite tape, easy to have wrinkles and other undesirable situations when closing up the roll.

    6. Color classification

    This classification is also relatively simple, through the color of the classification.

    Here also divided into single-sided tape and double sided tape


    More on the market is black, white is also available, other colored generally more custom styles for customers.

    The above foam tape classification method is basically introduced, we focus on the more difficult classification considerations.

    I think the composite foam tape is difficult to choose, of course, this is not for end customers, mainly for processors or intermediaries, end customers are generally in contact with the finished product.

    Self-adhesive foam is relatively simple to choose, according to the requirements of the surface to be taped to choose; composite foam is more difficult to choose, this article focuses on.

    Compound foam tape in the selection of the first need to choose the right substrate according to the product or customer requirements, the above describes the four types of substrates available for customers to choose, we need to be familiar with the subtle differences and prices of each substrate. According to the customer’s requirements combined with the price to recommend the most suitable base material.

    Because the above four types of substrates are similar in appearance, some cannot be distinguished directly with the naked eye, so you must first figure out the type of substrate when choosing a tape. If you just by the appearance to judge the foam base material that is really a big mistake. Not only do you need to ask out the product base material, sometimes open and closed holes, material density, etc. will have an impact on the tape

    If you choose the wrong tape

    It is likely to crack and other undesirable conditions. It is not only a waste of material and shipping cost for the customer, but also a waste of time.

    If the customer has the material, we need to figure out the customer’s base material and where it is used, if the customer does not have the base material, we need to figure out the customer’s use in order to quickly and efficiently meet the customer.

    Here is an example of my own, first of all, I would like to introduce myself, I am from YXF tape, from Shenzhen, China.

    I remember when I first joined the industry

    I met a Japanese customer who needed a kind of tape used in automobiles to laminate their products, because the customer did not send the actual foam, we could only distinguish the type of substrate through the product picture.

    Coincidentally, when I contacted the Japanese customer, I just came into contact with a customer from Pakistan, the product pictures provided by the customer are similar to the foam base material, based on a smooth transaction in Pakistan, I successfully made a mistake in the Japanese customer.

    According to our common foam base material tape to send samples to Japanese customers, unfortunately the samples were all lost. At this point I realized that I did not have enough knowledge and did not analyze the substrate type of the customer carefully and sent the samples blindly.

    My company YXF Tape

    I am very grateful to my company YXF Tape, which has more professional tapes to laminate different substrates of foam, and to the customer for their trust. After I was thoroughly familiar with the characteristics of foam substrates and tapes, I sold several quality foam tape customers one after another.


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